Monday, December 7, 2009

Two top-10s for The BMW Store/Yahoo! cars!

The final results out of 73 cars:

#16 M3 - 7th overall
#99 330 - 9th overall, 3rd in class

So we came down from Canada and put the two BMW Store/Yahoo! cars in the top 10 of this huge field! What an amazing job by everyone involved, especially the mechanics and pit crew. I am so impressed and proud. We had a lot of work to do when we unloaded on Thursday and were hit by several setbacks, including one that could have prevented the M3 from even starting the race. But nobody gave up, they just worked harder and found solutions.

It's hard to explain how epic a race like this is. Each car travelled over 3,100 km during the race, which may not be impressive until you consider that the cars are either accelerating, braking, or cornering near their limit the whole time...and it was dark for at least 13 hours of the race.

A big thank you to everyone involved, which included a large crew that came down from The BMW Store and Brown Bros. Racing to support both cars:

Dave Dalmonte
Nick Viel
Jay Kendal
Chris Lacousta
Brian Wickware
Andrew McKinnen
John Baytka
Wayne Johnson
Marcus Schellhase
Geoff Holmes
Rich Fakui
Bryan Taylor
Adam Ingram
Don McLain

(I sincerely hope I haven't left anyone out)

Thanks to Yahoo!, our title sponsor. The cars looked fantasic in the Yahoo! livery and were definately among the most noticed and talked-about at the race. They should look good on TV too when the highlights package is aired.

I want to especially thank Dave Dalmonte from The BMW Store. Dave put an incredible amount of work into the build and preparation of both cars, especially the M3 in the last few months. He really put his heart and soul into the car and we wouldn't have been there, or finished the race, without him.

Nick Viel from The BMW Store has also been a big part of the build and prep of both cars, thanks Nick.

Thanks to Andy Pearson from Specialty Engineering who did a lot of custom fabrication, engineering and build on the car.

Thanks to Neel Vasavada and Alex Weissinger from Apex Speed Technology who made this complex car actually work and helped us iron out the bugs. We didn't know how ambitious this project was until we started to hit the roadblocks but they helped us get over them. It was especially great to have Alex on hand at Thunderhill to diagnose and fix things things on the fly.

And keeping things running smoothly all weekend were John Olsen and Kevin Harrison from World Speed Motorsports who seemed to get by on coffee alone. It was great to have their guidance and expertise.

To other the drivers of the #16 M3: Mikel Miller, Taylor Hacquard, and Carlos Tesler-Mabe...thanks for doing such a great job and making sure the only one damaging the car was me. Next year I won't make that mistake again.

And of course a big hats-off to the drivers of the #99 330 who took that car to 9th overall and a podium in class: Tony Morris Jr., Keith Carter, Rocky Elli, Ryan O'Connor, and Nick Viel.

Stay tuned, or sign up for email updates, we should have more pictures and video available soon.



  1. An enormous DITTO from Carlos!!!!

    Chris, well written.

    In addition to the recognition of all those mentioned I want to thank in particular Rocky Elli.

    His vision and ability to create such an incredible synergy within the team has been outstanding!!

    Chris, I want to thank you also for inviting me to co-drive the M3. Also for introducing me to John and Kevin from World Speed who were so vital to the running of car #16. A big thanks to Mike Miller for his guidance as a driver coach and co-driver and to Taylor Haquard co-driver.Great driving guys.

    Also a huge thanks to Brown Bros. and to Tim Brown who gave so much to this effort. Your trailer with the heat was a life saver. ( It also allowed us to practice our Trailer Park Boys lines in the middle of the night...nothing like bad taste humor to liven it up.)

    Once again a huge thanks to everyone in the team.Without everyone's individual effort and spirit this journey would not have been possible.Wayne, brilliant work on the hub and studs at the end.

    Especially the incredible efforts of Nick Viel and Dave Dalmonte in preparing the cars.

    To Specialty Engineering and Andy Pearson for the meticulous peparation of car #16.

    A super set of results to boot!

    Both cars were outstanding.The #99 superb GREAT JOB drivers and crew.

    The #16 ran most of the night in 5th to 4th position overall.It got to as high as 3d overall!! and third in class behind the 2 factory Porsches( driven by factory Porsche Drivers). This with a car that was literally finished at the track.

    One of the best weekends of racing ever for me.

    I hope to do it again next year.

    Best to all.


  2. From The Hacquard Family...

    Thanks very much to the entire team for making this such a memorable event!

    We are very greatful to all of you for allowing Taylor to contribute and meet such an inspiring group of individuals. While you guys were working your butts off, we were glued to the internet, even in the middle of the night (I knew Taylor had the late shift)in awe watching you all work up the ladder.

    A special thanks to Chris for keeping Taylor in mind and allowing him to participate, we are so happy he was back in a race car after such a tough season and working with you again. You guys make teammates.

    This past week he will remember for a long time and we hope to work with you all again one day soon.

    Special thanks also to Taylor's former mentors from World Speed, John Olsen and Kevin Harrison and Standing Start Coach and good friend Mike Miller. Thanks to Telo for enabling them to be re-united!

    Best Regards,

    Mike and Marianne Hacquard
